WONDER #1188: How Do Crickets Talk?

Question 1 of 3

The chirping sound a cricket makes when it rubs its upper and lower parts of its wings together is called what?

  1. stridulating
  2. chirping
  3. cricketing
  4. rubbing

Question 2 of 3

The relationship between cricket chirps and temperature is known as what?

  1. chirperature
  2. Dolbear’s Law
  3. Daubert Syndrome
  4. temperaturism

Question 3 of 3

If you hear a Snow Tree cricket chirp 35 times in 14 seconds on a warm summer evening, the approximate temperature is what?

  1. 90° F
  2. 65° F
  3. 75° F
  4. 70° F

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