WONDER #1324: What Happened to the Lost Colony?

Question 1 of 3

<p class=\"FreeForm\">In what year did the Lost Colony arrive at Roanoke to establish a settlement?</p>

  1. 1585
  2. 1590
  3. 1587
  4. 1607

Question 2 of 3

<p class=\"FreeForm\">Croatoan was the name of a nearby what?</p>

  1. island
  2. Native American tribe
  3. river
  4. trading post

Question 3 of 3

<p class=\"FreeForm\">What was the name of the first English child born in America?</p>

  1. Carolina Moon
  2. Croatoan White
  3. Joan Powhatan
  4. Virginia Dare

Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/index.php/wonder/what-happened-to-the-lost-colony.