WONDER #1521: What Is a CAPTCHA?

Question 1 of 3

What does CAPTCHA stand for?

  1. Computers And People Tell Computers and Humans Apart
  2. Challenge Automated People Telling Computers and Humans Apart
  3. Completely Automated People Telling Computers and Humans Apart
  4. Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart

Question 2 of 3

During a typical day on the Internet, human beings solve more than how many CAPTCHAs?

  1. 300,000
  2. 3 million
  3. 300 million
  4. 3 trillion

Question 3 of 3

CAPTCHAs help to prevent unwanted interference from automated software applications, sometimes known as what?

  1. mice
  2. bots
  3. keyboards
  4. apples

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