WONDER #1838: Who Were the Neanderthals?

Question 1 of 3

The first skeleton identified as a Neanderthal was discovered in 1856 in which country?

  1. United States
  2. Spain
  3. Russia
  4. Germany

Question 2 of 3

Neanderthals share what percentage of their DNA with modern humans?

  1. 50%
  2. 100%
  3. 99.7%
  4. 55%

Question 3 of 3

Which of the following is NOT true of Neanderthals?

  1. used tools
  2. buried their dead
  3. controlled fire
  4. used the Internet

Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/index.php/wonder/who-were-the-neanderthals.