WONDER #1884: When Was the North Pole Discovered?

Question 1 of 3

Who claimed to reach the North Pole first in April 1909?

  1. Peary
  2. Cook
  3. Weber
  4. Franklin

Question 2 of 3

Who claimed to reach the North Pole first in April 1908?

  1. Peary
  2. Cook
  3. Weber
  4. Franklin

Question 3 of 3

Who were the first people to ski to the North Pole and back under their own power without resupply?

  1. Peary and Cook
  2. Cook and Fishbein
  3. Weber and Malakhov
  4. Franklin and Roosevelt

Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/index.php/wonder/when-was-the-north-pole-discovered.