WONDER #1912: Why Don’t Planes Fly in a Straight Line?

Question 1 of 3

Contrary to what explorers believed hundreds of years ago, Earth is not what?

  1. round
  2. spherical
  3. big
  4. flat

Question 2 of 3

When traditional flat maps are made and the sphere is made flat, what occurs?

  1. circles
  2. distortions
  3. longitude
  4. ellipses

Question 3 of 3

Airplanes follow “great circle” routes that account for the what of the Earth?

  1. equator
  2. prime meridian
  3. curvature
  4. weight

Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/index.php/wonder/why-dont-planes-fly-in-a-straight-line.