WONDER #2016: What’s So Funny about Laughing Gas?

Question 1 of 3

What is the scientific name for laughing gas?

  1. nitrous oxide
  2. dihydrogen monoxide
  3. gaseous humorous
  4. humerous maximus

Question 2 of 3

Which of the following professionals would be most likely to administer nitrous oxide?

  1. podiatrist
  2. heart surgeon
  3. dentist
  4. accountant

Question 3 of 3

In what year was nitrous oxide discovered?

  1. 2011
  2. 1943
  3. 1845
  4. 1771

Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/index.php/wonder/whats-so-funny-about-laughing-gas.