WONDER #2027: How Did Madagascar’s Stone Forest Form?

Question 1 of 3

Approximately how many of the species found on Madagascar are found nowhere else on Earth?

  1. 10%
  2. 25%
  3. 75%
  4. 90%

Question 2 of 3

The stone forest of Madagascar is an example of what unique type of geological system?

  1. karst
  2. magmic
  3. neolithic
  4. woodland

Question 3 of 3

Many of the formations in Madagascar’s stone forest were likely created by the collapse of what other type of karst formation?

  1. tree
  2. cave
  3. waterfall
  4. prairie

Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/index.php/wonder/how-did-madagascars-stone-forest-form.