WONDER #2232: Have You Ever Eaten Seaweed?

Question 1 of 3

Mozuku is a type of seaweed grown almost exclusively off the coast of which island?

  1. Hawaii
  2. Cuba
  3. Okinawa
  4. Barbados

Question 2 of 3

Mozuku contains extremely high levels of what tumor-suppressing molecule?

  1. fucoidan
  2. caffeine
  3. glucose
  4. vitriol

Question 3 of 3

Recently, mozuku production has fallen due to a rise in the ocean’s what?

  1. salinity
  2. depth
  3. temperature
  4. moisture

Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/index.php/wonder/have-you-ever-eaten-seaweed.