Wonder #2873: Who Was Queen Nzinga?
Question 1 of 3
When Queen Nzinga and those loyal to her fled west to escape the Portuguese, what was the name of the new state they founded?
- Luanda
- Ndongo
- Matamba
- Angola
Question 2 of 3
Why were Portuguese colonizers targeting the Ndongo people?
- to convert them to Christianity
- to enslave people and find silver
- to provide food during a famine
- to battle the Netherlands
Question 3 of 3
Why did Mbandi, the king of the Ndonga people, ask for Nzinga’s help when they were under attack by the Portuguese?
- she was a skilled negotiator
- she was related to the Portuguese by marriage
- Mbandi needed more Portuguese made weapons
- she was a Christian like the Portuguese
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