WONDER #2933: How Do You Use a Laser for Eye Surgery?
Question 1 of 3
This Wonder is mostly about . . .
- sexism in the field of ophthalmology.
- different uses for lasers.
- the work of Dr. Patricia Bath.
- the history of eye treatments.
Question 2 of 3
Which of these is NOT true about Community Ophthalmology?
- People get eye care at places, like schools, where people already are.
- Serious eye conditions are identified.
- Patients receive laser surgery.
- Volunteers do vision screenings.
Question 3 of 3
The Laserphaco probe is used to do which kind of surgery?
- Contact lens
- Glaucoma
- Cataract
Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/index.php/wonder/How-Do-You-Use-a-Laser-for-Eye-Surgery.