WONDER #2937: Why Is Ocean Water Salty?
Question 1 of 3
What lesson can be learned from studying ocean water?
- The ancient mariner was surrounded by water, yet unable to drink.
- Ocean water is salty because of dissolved minerals in runoff, hydrothermal vents, and underwater volcanoes.
- As water evaporates from salt lakes, they become even saltier.
- Salt is made of sodium and chloride.
Question 2 of 3
Based on information from the Wonder, what is desalination?
- The process of adding salt to water.
- The process of closing hydrothermal vents.
- The process of harnessing the energy from underwater volcanic eruptions.
- The process of removing salt from water.
Question 3 of 3
How do we know that rainwater eats away at rocks and soil?
- Rainwater replenishes lakes and rivers.
- Rain is part of the water cycle.
- Rainwater is mildly acidic.
- Soft drinks eat away at enamel on teeth
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