WONDER #341: What Is Your Favorite Mascot?

Question 1 of 3

Larger-than-life people, animals, or objects that schools, teams, and organizations adopt as symbolic figures are known as what?

  1. mascots
  2. teamers
  3. buddies
  4. goggles

Question 2 of 3

What is the name of the Philadelphia Phillies mascot?

  1. Hoosier Hugo
  2. Philly Steak
  3. Benny Franklin
  4. Phillie Phanatic

Question 3 of 3

Mascots can be adopted by any group seeking a common public what?

  1. nuisance
  2. problem
  3. identity
  4. mayhem

Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/index.php/wonder/what-is-your-favorite-mascot.