WONDER #546: Does Every Joke Have a Punch Line?

Question 1 of 3

Comedy that relies on comical actions and reactions rather than dialog with punch lines is known as what type of comedy?

  1. punch line
  2. slapstick
  3. knock-knock
  4. hip-hop

Question 2 of 3

People who study the origins of words and phrases are known as what?

  1. etymologists
  2. wordists
  3. phraseologists
  4. librarians

Question 3 of 3

Punch lines are often funny because they’re what?

  1. expected
  2. boring
  3. unexpected
  4. sad

Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/index.php/wonder/Does-Every-Joke-Have-a-Punch-Line.