WONDER #834: What Is a Tadpole?

Question 1 of 3

The metamorphosis that takes place when an egg turns into a tadpole that turns into a frog can be compared to the similar process that produces what insect?

  1. ant
  2. fly
  3. butterfly
  4. mosquito

Question 2 of 3

How long does the process of metamorphosis from egg to tadpole to frog usually take?

  1. 1-2 days
  2. 4-6 weeks
  3. 8-10 weeks
  4. 12-16 weeks

Question 3 of 3

Which of the following is NOT a nickname for tadpoles?

  1. pollywogs
  2. porwigles
  3. pinkwinks
  4. froglets

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