WONDER #1276: Can You Resume a Dream?

Question 1 of 3

How many dreams did you probably have last night?

  1. zero
  2. one
  3. a dozen
  4. thousands

Question 2 of 3

<p class=\"FreeForm\">Most people will have how many dreams in a lifetime?</p>

  1. 47
  2. 1 billion
  3. 1 million
  4. over 100,000

Question 3 of 3

<p class=\"FreeForm\">The best way to try to resume and remember a good dream is to do what upon waking?</p>

  1. lie still
  2. move around
  3. get up
  4. turn over

Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/can-you-resume-a-dream.