WONDER #1531: How Can You Get a Bird’s Eye View?

Question 1 of 3

What does UAV stand for?

  1. unmanned aerial vehicle
  2. unidentified aerial vector
  3. unmanned airplane vehicle
  4. unidentified airplane view

Question 2 of 3

About what percentage of the U.S. Air Force’s aircraft are drones?

  1. 10%
  2. 25%
  3. 33%
  4. 75%

Question 3 of 3

Which of the following is NOT an area in which drones are likely to be used in the future?

  1. military
  2. package delivery
  3. agriculture
  4. cooking

Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/how-can-you-get-a-birds-eye-view.