WONDER #2344: How Do Hyperloops Work?

Question 1 of 3

This Wonder is mostly about...

  1. the inventions of Elon Musk.
  2. how Hyperloops work and how quickly people will travel through them.
  3. why traveling in a Hyperloop is better than traveling by bus.
  4. how to plan for a long road trip.

Question 2 of 3

Motors that contain ____________________ will make passenger pods fly along their track.

  1. fans
  2. water-powered rotors
  3. electromagnetics
  4. metal tubes

Question 3 of 3

About how fast will people be able to travel on the Hyperloop?

  1. 1,000 mph
  2. 700 mph
  3. 55 mph
  4. 250 mph

Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/how-do-hyperloops-work.