WONDER #2347: What is MSG?
Question 1 of 3
This Wonder was mostly about...
- the specific process of making MSG.
- why MSG should be included in all food.
- reasons to stay away from MSG.
- what MSG is and the disagreement about whether it’s healthy.
Question 2 of 3
The taste umami was first discovered in ______________.
- bananas
- seaweed
- tomatoes
- fish
Question 3 of 3
What caused scientists to take a closer look at MSG?
- Some people said they felt sick after eating food that contained MSG.
- The FDA said it was unhealthy.
- Studies showed a strong connection between MSG and headaches, allergies, and obesity.
- Soldiers had odd reactions to it after it was put in their food.
Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/what-is-msg.