WONDER #2545: Why Do People Like Bubble Wrap So Much?
Question 1 of 3
This Wonder was mostly about...
- the reasons people like popping bubble wrap, including its effect of lowering stress and muscle tension.
- the history of Sealed Air, the company that makes bubble wrap.
- how the chemical dopamine affects the human brain.
- which types of fidgeting are best for making someone more alert and able to retain information.
Question 2 of 3
Sealed Air has rolled out a new unpoppable bubble wrap called __________________.
- Steel Wrap
- No-Pop Sheets
- Airless Bubbles
- iBubble Wrap
Question 3 of 3
Which of these is NOT another use for bubble wrap, according to this Wonder?
- It can insulate windows
- It can keep plants safe
- It can store food at room temperature
- It can protect a windshield from frost
Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/Why-Do-People-Like-Bubble-Wrap-So-Much.