WONDER #2803: Can You Trust Your Intuition?
Question 1 of 3
The terms “gut feeling,” “hunch,” and “sixth sense” all describe the phenomenon of . . .
- dishonesty
- a stomach ache
- fight or flight
- intuition
Question 2 of 3
Which of the following is NOT a function of the hippocampus?
- aids in pattern recognition
- to signal when your body needs food
- helps you make many unconscious decisions
- uses information learned from past experiences
Question 3 of 3
This Wonder is mainly about . . .
- how to tell when someone is lying to you
- learning how to use your hidden psychic abilities
- how your brain helps you make decisions about many things without you knowing it
- brain disorders caused by an imbalance in gut microbes
Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/Can-You-Trust-Your-Intuition.