WONDER #356: How Big Is the Bermuda Triangle?
Question 1 of 3
The Bermuda Triangle has points in Florida, Bermuda and what other island?
- Hawaii
- Cuba
- Puerto Rico
- Seychelles
Question 2 of 3
The Bermuda Triangle is located in which ocean?
- Arctic
- Atlantic
- Indian
- Pacific
Question 3 of 3
When was the name \"Bermuda Triangle\" first used?
- When Christopher Columbus first sailed through the area.
- When underwater explorers first discovered the wreckage of planes in 1991.
- When the magazine, Argosy, wrote about it in an article published in 1964.
- When five U.S. Navy Avenger bombers first disappeared.
Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/How-Big-Is-the-Bermuda-Triangle.