WONDER #533: How Can We Know if an Animal Is Color Blind?
Question 1 of 3
If you’re color blind, it’s probably because these parts of your eyes don’t work properly:
- Rods
- Cones
- Pupil
- Eyelids
Question 2 of 3
Dogs cannot tell the difference between which two colors?
- blue and yellow
- orange and blue
- blue and green
- red and green
Question 3 of 3
How were scientists able to tell which colors cats and dogs could see?
- Scientists were able to communicate with the animals.
- Scientists used special cameras to focus on the eyes of the animals.
- Scientists conducted tests involving food and colored panels.
- Scientists were unable to determine which colors the animals could see.
Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/How-Can-We-Know-if-an-Animal-Is-Color-Blind.