WONDER #739: What is a Nomad?

Question 1 of 3

Which of the following is NOT a type of nomad?

  1. Hunter-gatherer
  2. Pastoral
  3. Wandering
  4. Peripatetic

Question 2 of 3

All human beings were hunter-gatherers until about _____________ years ago.

  1. 10,000
  2. 100
  3. 2 million
  4. 500

Question 3 of 3

This Wonder was mostly about...

  1. where most nomads live today.
  2. why most people have permanent homes today.
  3. the benefits of a nomadic lifestyle.
  4. what it means to be a nomad and why nomads move around.

Check your answers online at https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/What-Is-a-Nomad.