Interactive Wonder Jar

Letter W

The Wonder Jar was created to take all of the discussion, engagement, and exploration that is presented on the Wonderopolis site, and bring it right into the home. By choosing a “wonder” from the Wonder Jar, families will be able to share their wonders, ideas, and knowledge with each other. The Wonder Jar and its wonder entries, both pre-written and created by families themselves, is meant to create opportunities for humorous discussion, serious discussion, and general outside of the box — or outside of the “jar” — thinking!

Get Ready to Wonder!

  • Wonderopolis

    Pick out your wonder from the jar and read it aloud with your family.

  • Wonderopolis

    How does it make you feel? Excited? Weird? Hungry? Silly? Use three adjectives to describe your reactions.

  • Wonderopolis

    What other words, objects, or topics does it make you think about? Does it connect to things you already know, or want to know more about?

  • Wonderopolis

    Go online, to the library, or to your bookshelf and find out more. Are there different opinions about it, or different ways it is shown in photos or videos?

  • Wonderopolis

    Talk to your family, friends, teachers, neighbors, or experts in that topic about your wonder to share your excitement and knowledge, ask questions, and get feedback.


Spread the Joy of Wonder

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